Many leading companies in China New Energy Industry have announced that they have settled in the United States this year.Experts analyze that the United States attaches great importance to the development of the renewable energy industry and the lack of local industries, allowing Chinese companies to see the opportunity to invest, but in addition to commercial interests, geopolitical geopolitics in China and the United States is still the largest source of risks.

China Photovoltaic Component Giants Tianti Optical Energy US company on Monday (September 11) that it will invest more than 200 million US dollars (S $ 270 million) in Texas, the United States, with an annual production capacity of 5,000Muwa, put into production in 2024.In addition, the five major photovoltaic components in China have been announced in the United States that the five major photovoltaic components in China, Green Energy, Jingke Energy and Ates, have been announced in the United States.

Last week, the lithium battery manufacturing leader Guoxuan Hi -Tech and Yimei Lithium energy also announced that they went to the United States to build factories.In February this year, China was also the world's largest battery manufacturer Ningde Times announced that it cooperated with the US Centennial Auto Ford Ford Company to build a $ 3.5 billion battery plant.

Experts analyzed that the United States has begun to implement the total subsidy amount of 430 billion US dollars this year (IRA). Given the generous tax reduction and subsidy for renewable energy manufacturing.Essence

As far as photovoltaic and batteries are concerned, IRA stipulates that 40%of the cost composition of photovoltaic manufacturers comes from the United States and can enjoy 10%additional tax credits. Local battery manufacturers can get 45 US dollars per kilowatt -hour production of production per kilowatt -hour.Subsidies are equivalent to about 30%of the current battery cost.

The company Ul Solutions, a company in charge of new energy certification, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post in Asia Wind Energy Sales Manager of Asia.Demands jointly contributed to the trend of building factories in the United States this year.

Zhou Mao said that the investment recycling period of the US factory is shorter than other markets.Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates that the gross profit margin of photovoltaic component manufacturers will reach 26%to 32%at the end of the year, while manufacturers in China are only 15%to 20%.

Avoiding the risk of trade barriers and targeting is also an important reason.Lin Boqiang, dean of the China Energy Policy Research Institute of Xiamen University, said in an interview that the United States and the European Union had conducted anti -dumping anti -subsidy investigations on Chinese photovoltaic companies many times, affecting the exports of Chinese companies, and helping to build factories in the United States.


A industry who is unwilling to disclose his name told the United Morning Post that more new energy Chinese companies will announce the construction of the United States this year, but in the context of the Sino -US scientific and technological war, politics is still their biggest risk.

The two chairman of the China House of Representatives China Special Committee and the fundraising committee, two chairmen, asked for the investigation of the cooperative relationship between Ford Motors and Ningde Times in July this year.They pointed out in a joint letter that the cooperation between Ningde and Ford may not promote American battery technology, but only brought the battery technology, raw materials and employees controlled by China to the United States, and at the same time obtained tax credits.

U.S. Lobbying Organizations Prosperity of the United States Alliance Calculated that Chinese companies will profit $ 125 billion in subsidies of IRA.

Scholars Li Cheng and Zhao Xiuye learned in the Brookings Society in July that the renewable energy industry should not be like the semiconductor industry, becoming the next industry that sacrificed in Sino -US competition.After witnessing the degraded semiconductor industry, China and the United States once again weigh the costs and benefits before making decisions for renewable energy based on geographical political considerations.


article pointed out that using the scale and professionalism of Chinese manufacturers will be the key to the United States in the renewable energy industry to meet domestic supply.