(Washington / Yangon Comprehensive Electric) UN UN Burmese human rights expert Andrews called on the United States to join the European Union to further strengthen the sanctions on the Burmese military government, and incorporate the main source of income from the Burmese army -state -owned oil and natural gas enterprises.Scope of sanctions.

Andrews on Wednesday (September 13) at the Randos Human Rights Committee of the United States Congress, praised Washington in June of Washington to Myanmar's foreign trade banks and Myanmar Investment and Commercial Bank Apartial , but he believes that more efforts must be made to impose more sanctions on Myanmar.

Implement sanctions to block funds to weaken the ability of the Burmese Army's violence

Andrews is a special reporter in the United Nations Human Rights in Myanmar and a former member of the US Congress.He called on the United States to immediately impose sanctions on Myanmar's state -owned enterprises Myanmar Petroleum and Natural Gas Company.He said: "If the funds can be blocked, they can weaken their (Burmese army) ability to continue to violently."

When the European Union announced a new round of sanctions on Myanmar in February 2022, Myanmar oil and natural gas companies were included in the sanctions list.This company is a joint venture partner of all offshore natural gas projects in Myanmar and one of the main sources of revenue and foreign exchange by the Burmese government.

The Memorandum of the Burmese Government and Russia started cooperation for election activities

On the other hand, the Burmese government and Russia signed an agreement earlier to launch cooperation for election activities.Russia The presidential election will be held next year. It is expected that President Putin can continue to be at least 2030 to 2030.Year.The Burmese government may be held in 2025 election .

According to the official Myanmar media, Myanmar Global New Light reported that when the election committee of the military government personnel visited Russia on Wednesday, it signed the "Memorandum of Understanding of Election Campaign Cooperation" with Russia.

During the

During the visit, the representatives of the Burmese government also explored Russia's election methods, conditions for election, campaign procedures, etc. Russia invited the Burmese military government to visit Russia during the presidential election next year.

Russia is an intimate ally of the Burmese government, providing diplomatic support for the Burmese military government, and also providing weapons to assist the Burmese military forces for anti -government -changing armed organizations and protesters.