In order to avoid a new round of confrontation with China, not only did it not mention the situation in the South China Sea and the new map of the Chinese version of the map in the Asian Summit.China.Some analysts believe that this highlights that Aya Jian has not properly resolved the matter, but some analysts believe that this is the strategy of Ya'an.

China last Monday (August 28) released the "2023 version of China Standard Map Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Map.", the" ten -section line "marked by China covers 90 % of the sea in China, overlapping with the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and other Asianan national exclusive economic zones and caused protests.These countries put pressure on Asian in Ayan and asked Yajia'an to make clear their positions.

However, in the Summit of Asia in Asia and China, countries have not explicitly mentioned China's issues.The joint statement after the meeting only said: "We reiterate that we must strengthen mutual trust and confidence, and we must keep restraint when any actions that lead to complicated disputes or situation upgrades."

Statement said that in accordance with the 1982 UN Ocean Law Convention (UNCLOS) and other international laws, to maintain and promote the peace, security, and stability of the South China Sea, and ensure the freedom of navigation and flight of the South China Sea.

Scholar: China Hope to solve the problem of the South China Sea through bilateral negotiations with individual countries

Zhan Yunhao, dean of the Asian Research Institute of the University of Tasmania, Australia, told the United Morning Post: "I am not surprised to the situation in the South China Sea in the Southern China Sea for the Philippines and Malaysia."It is hoped that it will be resolved through bilateral negotiations with individual countries, rather than processing through multilateral mechanisms such as Asianan.

He said: "It is actually not good for individual countries to deal with China. Therefore, the practice of the two countries (Mafi) is actually unsightly." But he believes that the Malaysia and the Philippines will continue to negotiate with China through bilateral negotiations.To resolve this, this actually shows that there is a crisis of confidence in the ability of Asia to solve such disputes.

Ah Kalitzki, a scholar of international relations from the University of Australia, told the Jakarta Post: "((Asian Danian Terry Chairman Country) Indonesia always takes peace when facing such issuesChips. "

Madi, an expert in South China Sea, believes that the approach of Asian'an is right."China's voice is illegal. If we think that it is serious and respond, the impact will be serious. It may be feasible to confirm and deal with low -key response (China)."

President South Korea reiterates: Never tolerate any attempt to change the status quo by force unilaterally

South Korean President Yin Xiyue mentioned the South China Sea issue when he spoke at the summit.He reiterated that he would not tolerate any attempts that changed the status quo unilaterally in force and advocated to maintain marine order in accordance with international law.

Philippine President President Paris, Marcos on Wednesday (September 6), held talks with US Vice President Harris after the Asian Summit and the United States Summit.The two sides discussed the maritime safety environment of the South China Sea and explored the opportunities to strengthen bilateral maritime cooperation.

Pagoda, on Thursday (7th) at the East Asian Summit, emphasized that the Philippines opposed the use of "coast guards and maritime militia vessels" in the South China Sea.