The United States has decided to extend the tariff period for exemption to multiple Chinese products to the end of this year.

According to Reuters, 352 Chinese imported product projects have been extended, and 77 Chinese product projects related to crown disease.On Wednesday (September 6), the U.S. Trade Representative Office will be extended from September 30 to December 31 on September 30.

Products that exempt tariffs include industrial components such as pumps, electric motors, some car parts and chemicals, bicycles, and vacuum cleaners.Medical products such as masks, inspection gloves, hand -washing and disinfection wet towels are listed as products related to crown disease.

U.S. officials launched the "Article 301" investigation earlier that China stole American intellectual property rights and forced American companies to transfer sensitive technology in order to do business.After that, then President Trump imposed tariffs on thousands of Chinese imported products worth about $ 370 billion ($ 504.7 billion) in 2018 and 2019.