(Beijing / Hanoi Composite Electric) When the US President Biden was about to visit Vietnam, Chinese officials sent senior officials to visit Vietnam to strengthen the "political mutual trust" between China and Vietnam.

Liu Jianchao and Ruan Fuzhong met to strengthen the combination of unity and deepen exchanges

According to Xinhua News Agency, Liu Jianchao, Minister of the CPC Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Monday (September 4), led a three -day visit to Vietnam.During the period, Liu Jianchao and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China met Ruan Fuzhong, and also met with the Vietnamese Communist Party Central Committee to the foreign minister Li Huaizhong to meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the China -Vietnam Party.China also exchanged representatives with Vietnamese think tanks, media, friendly groups and other circles.

It is reported that China and Vietnam unanimously pointed out that we must continue to implement the important consensus of the top leaders of the two parties, consolidate political mutual trust, strengthen the combination of unity, deepen exchanges and mutual learning, work together to deal with the challenges, promote Sino -Vietnamese relations towards the constructing community of destiny communityThe goal continues to move forward and work together for the cause of peace and progress in human beings.

Bynden flew to Vietnam on Sunday (September 10), and will also meet the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Ruan Fuzhong during the period.This year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive partnership in Vietnam and the United States.Biden said that his visit to Vietnam aims to improve the relationship between the two countries and make the United States a major partner of Vietnam.

The highest level of Vietnam's foreign relations is "comprehensive strategic partnership", followed by "strategic partnership", and then "comprehensive partnership".The United States and Vietnam are currently a comprehensive partnership, while China and Russia have established a comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam, which are two levels higher than the US -Vietnam relations.The United States, who wants to compete in China's influence in the Indo -Pacific region, therefore hopes to upgrade Vietnam to strategic partnerships, or even comprehensive strategic partnerships.

The United States is already the largest export market in Vietnam. Vietnam hopes to further pull closer relations with the United States, obtain US capital and technology, and promote the economic development of Vietnam.However, as a near neighbor, the relationship between Vietnam and China is also close, so Vietnam must be cautious and balanced with China and the United States.