Huawei's new mobile phones equipped with Chinese domestic chips are launched, the voices of the United States' rising sanctions on Chinese technology companies in the United States have risen.Scholars analyze that such voices are more proposed from a political perspective, not technical, but under the current political atmosphere, even if Washington does not upgrade, existing sanctions will be continued.

Mike Gallagher, Chairman of the China House of Representatives China Issues Special Committee, issued a statement on Wednesday (September 6), calling on the US Department of Commerce to stop all technologies exported to Huawei and its chip supplier SMIC.

Statement said that without US technology, Huawei's new machine chips may not be produced, so SMIC may violate the rules of the Ministry of Commerce."It's time to stop the exports of technical exports of the United States to Huawei and SMIC, to clearly show that any company that despises US law and destroys our national security will not be able to obtain our technology."

From May 2019, the United States has successively included Huawei and its affiliated companies on the export control entity list on the grounds of national security, stipulating that American suppliers and other companies must obtain special permits to supply Huawei.SMIC was included in this entity list in December 2020.

Four years after the United States, Huawei released the new mobile phone Mate 60 Pro in a low -key on Tuesday (August 29).Although Huawei did not disclose technical details, many evaluations showed that this phone is equipped with a SMINO nano -process chip, and the network speed has reached 5G level.This is regarded as a major technical breakthrough in Huawei, and it has also triggered public opinion discussing whether there is a loophole in the US technology blockade of the United States.

The chairman of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives, Micala Mccaul, the chairman of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives in Europe, also said on Wednesday that the United States is necessary to investigate SMIC because it "looks really" violated US sanctions and continues to "try to obtain us to obtain us.Intellectual property rights.

The dismantling of Huawei's new mobile phones in the semiconductor industry observation agency Techinsights shows that the only overseas components in the new machine are South Korea's SK Hynix's LPDDR5 memory and NAND flash memory chip.SK Hynix clarified on Thursday that the company has no longer had business exchanges with Huawei since its implementation restrictions, and has launched investigations.

Chen Bo, Dean of the Optics Valley Free Trade Research Institute and a researcher at the Liaoning University Free Trade Zone Research Institute, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that there are two mainstream views of Huawei's new machine chips.SMIC's technical ceiling, another believes that Huawei has cracked technology blockade and can further break through."No matter what possibility, the significance of U.S. overweight sanctions is not great, and it will only further hurt American companies."

Chen Bo pointed out that the two American councilors are unlikely to master the technical details of Huawei chips at this stage, and more of them are raised from the perspective of political speculation."However, sanctions that Huawei was originally a political manipulation that did not meet the principles of free trade. Therefore, as the election season is coming, the domestic political atmosphere of the United States will force the two parties to continue sanctions against Huawei."

On the other hand, Rosenwa Sel, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).The module is listed as "safety risks" so that the FCC can include the above -mentioned Chinese enterprises in the regulatory list.