After Huawei's new mobile phone is reported to be equipped with SMIC's domestic seven -nanometer process chip, some US members call on the US Department of Commerce to stop all technologies to Huawei and SMIC.

According to Reuters, Republican members of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives Mike Gallagher, on Wednesday (September 6), said that if there is no US technology, this chip may mayIt cannot be produced, so SMIC may violate the Foreign Direct Product Rule of the US Department of Commerce.

Garrat believes that when the United States stops all technical exports of Huawei and SMICs, "clearly shows that any company that despises US law and destroys our national security will not be able to obtainOur technology.

In May 2019, the United States included Huawei in the blacklist of trade on the grounds of national security factors, which means that Huawei's US suppliers and other companies must obtain special licenses in order to transport objects to Huawei.SMIC was included in the so -called American entity list on the grounds that the company was worried that the company might transfer advanced technology to military users in December 2020.