If a misjudgment occurs between China and the United States, this area may be pushed to a serious conflict.New Prime Minister Li Xianlong said that China and the United States must show leadership to deal with a series of global topics that are affecting everyone.

Li Xianlong, who visited Jakarta, Indonesia on Wednesday (September 6), attended the Asianan leaders with the Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Qiang and the US Vice President Harris, the Asianan -China Summit and the Asian Summit, respectively.Sino -US relations trends.

Li Xianlong said at the Asianan -American Summit in the afternoon that the current role of the United States is even more important at the current stage of geopolitics.

He pointed out that what Southeast Asian countries are concerned is that once China and the United States have misjudged, they may push the area to a serious conflict.

Li Xianlong: The South China Sea is shared resources to safeguard all the rights of flying navigation

South China Sea is the potential flash point of this regionone.Li Xianlong said that the South China Sea is a resource shared by all parties, and all parties should continue to safeguard the right to navigating and flying freedom.

Faced with the geographical strategic situation in front of him, the response plan of Asian'an is to strengthen the relationship with all major powers.Li Xianlong said that Asia and the United States can expand and deepen cooperation through the important framework of Asia's India.

At the Asianan -China Summit in the morning, Li Xianlong pointed out that the region pays high attention to the trend of Sino -US relations.

"Yajia'an (on this issue) has direct interests, because tension is easy to stimulate the existing flashing points of the region and harm all the peace, prosperity and stability that all of us enjoyed for decades."

Li Xianlong: China and the United States continue to establish strategic mutual trust in the continued dialogue level

Li Xianlong said that China and the United States continue to talk to each level, establish strategic mutual trust at all levels, and strive to increase cooperation.China and the United States must show leadership and deal with a series of global issues that affect everyone.

In terms of the relationship between Asia's and China, Li Xianlong pointed out that the two sides should continue to carry out substantial cooperation based on the four key areas of the Asian Sea Prosperity to establish mutual trust and cope with challenging topics.

Li Xianlong further pointed out that Asia's and China continued to contact the South China Sea project to maintain regional peace and stability.

He said that the two sides should increase their efforts and talk about the guidelines for the South China Sea Conduct of the United Nations Marine Law Convention and other international law in 1982.