(Bangkok Comprehensive News) Thailand Prime Minister's social morality has issued a 52 -page policy statement to the draft of Parliament, including the priority of the 10,000 baht digital wallet plan, solving the debt of families and SMEs, cutting energy to reduce energy sourcesCost and revise constitution.

The Thai Congress will meet next Monday (September 11), and he will issue a policy statement at that time.According to the Bangkok Post, according to the draft statement, a series of policies of the new government are divided into short -term, medium and long -term.

Short -term policy focuses on the digital wallet plan

The short -term priority is the digital wallet plan that is expected to be launched early next year to a digital currency worth 10,000 baht (about S $ 384) to all citizens over 16 years of age when campaign.

The Deputy Minister of Finance, Shizura, told the National News on Wednesday (6th) that the digital wallet plan will use the 560 billion baht budget to stimulate the cash flow of more than 2 trillion baht, while helping to promote the overall domestic production totalValue will increase by 5%next year.

Charlatwen explained that citizens can use digital currencies in stores within four kilometers of address. If they live in remote areas, four kilometers of restrictions may be relaxed.In addition, digital currency cannot be exchanged for cash, nor can it be used to buy non -performing goods such as tobacco and alcohol or repay debt.

Assisting farmers' merchants to deal with debt

According to the draft statement, the new government will also assist farmers and merchants to deal with debt issues, promulgate measures to alleviate the burden on family debt and reduce the cost pressure faced by small and medium -sized enterprises.

The government will try to reduce energy prices such as power, fuel, and gas, improve energy use, and promote the development of clean energy and renewable energy.

In attracting foreign tourists, the government will launch visa -free programs for tourists from specific countries and provide fast visa services for business tourists.

The short -term policy also includes revising the constitution formulated in 2017 and ensuring that the public can participate in the revision process extensively.

In terms of medium- and long -term policies, the government plans to develop overseas markets for Thai products and services, thereby increasing national revenue; accelerating free trade negotiations with potential partners, improving foreign -funded approval procedures; reorganization of national security agenciesPrepare; implement defense reform, including increasing the transparency of defense expenditures, forced the recruitment system to be voluntary service, reducing the number of generals; increasing the medical care plan for the whole people; and continuing to promote carbon neutralization.

The main promise of the minimum wage of the Draft of the APPC criticized the draft

However, the opposition party's criticism policies have declared that the draft of the draft is the main commitment of the Thai party. For example, the establishment of a new constitutional drafting committee, raising the minimum daily salary, and the reduction of light rail vehicles in Bangkok and surrounding areas to 20 baht.

The APPC party issued a post on the social media account, calling on the people to carefully review the government's policy statement next Monday.The APPC also criticized the government for only a day of debate by Congress for a day. When the last government issued a similar statement in 2019, Congress could debate for two days.

Social morality he vowed to eliminate corruption of officials' jobs and selling and selling

On the other hand, social morality vowed to eliminate corruption at a event commemorating the Thai Anti -Corruption Day on Wednesday, especially to prevent government officials' jobs and unfairly transfer or surrender.

He said: "We will ensure that all government officials are treated fairly, and their dignity as a government policy executive is maintained ... official positions cannot exist in the current government."

Social ethics, he guarantees that the government will abide by the principles of legal to govern the country and adopt advanced technology to ensure that all administrative procedures are completely transparent and can withstand verification.