The latest report of the US Census Agency shows that in the 12 months as of July this year, China's proportion of US commodity imports has fallen to its lowest level since 2005.

According to the Bo News Agency, the data released by the US Census Bureau on Wednesday (September 6) shows that the average proportion of imported goods from China during the above period is 14.6%, whichThe average proportion of Chinese imported goods on the eve of the China Trade War increased the peak of the China Trade War.In the 12 months of March 2018, the average proportion of imported goods in China reached 21.8%.

As the US government attempts to reduce its economic dependence on China and the fragility of the crown disease, the US company has been reorganizing the supply chain in recent years.

Mexico and Vietnam have benefited from this transformation, and China's exports and foreign direct investment in these countries are also rising.In the 12 months as of July this year, Mexico's average proportion of goods in American goods rose to 15%, a record high of 30 years.