Chinese communications giant Huawei launched a new mobile phone last week, which triggered a heated discussion on Huawei in the progress of chip technology.US National Security Consultant Sarawan said that the US government wants to understand the composition of this phone and says that the United States should continue to implement the technical restrictions of the "Small Yard (High Fence).

Bloomberg reported that the US National Security Consultant Sarawan said at the White House Briefing on Tuesday (September 5) that the U.S. government wants to understand the accurate composition of Huawei Mate 60 Pro mobile phone processors.

Both Huawei and SMIC have been sanctioned by the United States and cannot obtain the most advanced chip manufacturing and equipment.

Bloomberg earlier commissioned the semiconductor industry observation agency Techinsights to dismantle the Huawei new mobile phone, and reported on Monday (September 4) that the disassembly showed the new Kirin 9000S chip used by Mate 60 Pro,It is manufactured by SMIC and adopted the company's most advanced seven -nano -chip technology.

Huawei suddenly released the Mate 60 Pro when the US Minister of Commerce Raymond visited China last week. Washington has not been able to say that it has not been able to say it until Saravon broke the silence.

Shatin also pointed out that before obtaining more information about its characteristics and composition, he will not comment on specific chips involved."But in any case, this incident tells us that the United States should continue to implement the technical restrictions of the 'small courtyard high wall', focusing on national security issues, not a wider business decourse."