Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde is about to visit Paraguay. During this period, he will transit the United States. Mainland China announces a military exercise in the East China Sea from Saturday (12th).The unnamed Taiwanese officials believe that the military exercise is to deter Taiwanese voters.

The Zhejiang Maritime Affairs Bureau of Mainland China issued a navigation warning early on Friday (11th), sayingExercise scope.

According to Reuters, a senior official who is familiar with the security planning of Taiwan said that Beijing held a military exercise during Lai Qingde's visit to the United States.Military intimidation "effect."They want to create a fear of war, and let Taiwanese vote for their tendency to tend to."

Lai Qingde will set off on Saturday (12th) to Paraguay to attend the inauguration ceremony of Panana President Pana.New York and San Francisco, the United States, arrived in New York on the 13th and arrived in San Francisco on the 16th.

Many US media reports that the US government has demanded Lai Qingde in a low -key entertainment to prevent Lai Qingde from entering Washington.Mainland China has repeatedly called on the United States to not arrange Lai Qingde to visit the United States, and threatened to take resolute and effective measures to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

A Taiwanese official believes that this military exercise will be similar to the military exercise held in mainland China in April this year, but the scale may be less than April.However, mainland Chinese fighter aircraft or warships may still cross the Taiwan Strait midline, close to the island's 24 nautical miles.

In April of this year, in order to respond to Taiwan Cai Yingwen and the Speaker of the US House of Representatives McCarthy, McCarthy met in Los Angeles and held military exercises around Taiwan.

However, the diplomats in Taiwan have different opinions on the response to Beijing this time.Some diplomats believe that the efforts of Beijing's stable relationship with Washington may ease Beijing's response; but some senior diplomatic security people believe that in view of Beijing's anger for Lai Qingde's transit, it will have to show force."They basically forced themselves to a corner, what must be done."