(Washington Composite Electric) US President Biden said he would visit Vietnam "soon" because Vietnam wanted to improve his relationship with the United States and become an important partner of the United States.

Bynden announced the news at a political fundraising event in New Mexico on Tuesday (August 8).He said: "We are in the case where we are changing around the world, and we have a chance ... change dynamics."

Bynden did not explain the exact timetable of visiting Vietnam, but other senior officials including Vice President Harris have visited Vietnam.

The White House spokesman said that there is no further news to tell

In response to Biden's upcoming visit, the White House spokesman said: "There is no further news at present, and you can tell."

The United States and Vietnam trade are increasingly close, and both countries are worried about China's increasing strength in the region.Over the years, due to China's claims in the South China Sea, the friction between Beijing and Southeast Asian countries, especially Vietnam and the Philippines.

The United States has been working hard to raise the relationship with Hanoi from the so -called "comprehensive" relationship in the past 10 years to "strategic" partnership, but Vietnam has always been cautious because he is worried that he will irritate China or Russia.China provides key inputs for Vietnam's important export trade, and Russia is another traditional partner of Vietnam.

However, in April this year, Vietnam Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng said in a meeting with US Secretary of State Brillings that Vietnam wanted to deepen his relationship with the United States.

Brinken also said after visiting Vietnamese leaders, "We believe that now we have raised our bilateral relations to a new height. In the past 10 years, we have established a comprehensive partnership and for many different differences, for many different differences, for many different differences, for many different differences, for many different differences, for many different differences, for many different differences, for many different differences, for many different differences, for many different differences, for many different differences, for many different differences.The cooperation in the field has laid an extremely solid foundation, so we think it is a good time to move forward. "

In addition, Biden disclosed at a fundraising event in Maine on July 28 that he received a call from the "Vietnamese leader", and the other party "eager to go to the G20 of the 20th G20 (G20).Meet me at the summit. "The G20 Summit will be held in New Delhi, India's capital from September 9th to 10th. Biden has determined to attend the meeting.

Biden said at the time: "He wants to improve our (the United States) as an important partner like Russia and China."

Analysts pointed out that Biden's calling object was Ruan Fuzhong, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China; Bayeng had called with Ruan Fuzhong in March this year.

Vietnam is seeking military reserve supply diversified to get rid of Russia's dependence

The officials interviewed did not explain what the closer relationship was, but experts said that this may include increasing military cooperation and US weapons supply.

Huafu and the US defense company have previously expressed publicly that they hope to increase military supply to Vietnam.So far, the United States' military supply to Vietnam is mainly limited to the coastal guards and training aircraft, and Vietnam is seeking diversification to get rid of the dependence on Russia of major military supply countries.

However, Military transactions in Vietnam and the United States are facing potential obstacles, including blocking U.S. members who may be criticized for Vietnam's human rights records.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen visited Vietnam last month that the United States believes that establishing a firm economic and security relationship with Vietnam is a priority.Partner. "