U.S. President Biden signed an administrative order on Wednesday (August 9) to limit the sensitive technologies of American companies and individuals to invest in China, including semiconductors, quantum computing and artificial intelligence; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce proposed severe positive negotiations andStrong dissatisfaction, vowing to retain the right to take measures.

Scholars interviewees analyzed that the administrative order will bring an spillover effect. U.S. allies may follow similar measures, and companies in other countries will also be more cautious about investing in China.

Bayeng signed an administrative order on Wednesday to prohibit some sensitive technical fields that US investment flowing to China.Administrative orders restrict US companies to invest in semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information technology, and artificial intelligence in the fields of semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information technology, and artificial intelligence, including mainland China, and require US investors to report to the Ministry of Finance.After the signing of the administrative order, public opinion is still required, and specific restrictions are expected to take effect next year.

On the occasion of the decoupling of China and the United States, a U.S. official emphasized to the US media on Wednesday: "This is a national security measure, not an economic measure.This administrative order will finely protect our national security interests. "

He claims that the United States is not preventing funds from entering China. "China has a lot of funds, and they are not technology."

A research report in February this year shows that from 2015 to 2021, about 37%of Chinese artificial intelligence companies came from the United States.

The U.S. Treasury Department pointed out that restrictions on restrictions on equity acquisitions, green space investment, joint ventures such as mergers and acquisitions, private equity, and venture capital, and debt financing transactions that can be converted into equity.

In order to reduce the interference of the general capital flow between the two countries, restrictions will not target passive investment, such as holding the shares of a Chinese listed company.

Biden's administrative order caused a strong rebound in China. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Foreign Affairs answered the form of reporters on Thursday (August 10), "strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to the US investment restrictions on investment restrictions in China", and has been towards it. "The United States proposed solemnly.

Chinese Ministry of Commerce: Reserves the right to take measures

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China criticized the United States to "fight against globalization and de -China", and urged the United States to stop the political and trade science and technology issues, tools, and weapons, immediately revoke the wrong decision, cancel investment restrictions on China, and be China and the United States.Economic and trade cooperation creates a good environment.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that China will pay close attention to relevant trends and resolutely safeguard their rights and interests.

The Ministry of Commerce of China also expressed serious concern on the administrative order on the same day and stated that "the right to take measures will be reserved."

China and the United States have tried to restore the stable relationship between high -level dialogue since the year, but the game between the two sides in the field of science and technology and national security has continued to upgrade.Biden signed a chip bill of sword refers to China on August 9 last year, and the US Department of Commerce announced in October that it would prohibit the provision of specific semiconductor chips made by using American tools in the world anywhere in the world in October.

China also improves the vigilance of foreign companies, especially American companies.This year, the US company Mei Sizawa Group and Bain have been investigated, and the anti -spy law was officially implemented in July this year.

Scholars: The administrative order may bring spillwish benefits

Zhu Feida, an associate professor of the School of Computing and Information Systems of Singapore Management University, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the specific impact of Biden's administrative order on China depends on how policies have been implemented.In any case, this shows that at least before the presidential election of next year, Bayeng will express his gesture through tough policies to China.

Zhu Feida and Associate Professor Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Rajiery South International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, believes that there are currently not many anti -control tools in China.China's countermeasures that may take countermeasures include strengthening the export restrictions of high -tech related raw materials, as well as do not cooperate with the United States in other fields such as climate cooperation and military dialogue.

The European Commission said on Thursday that it will analyze the US investment restrictions on China and is closely related to the United States.Britain said it is exploring how to respond to the administrative order in the United States.

Li Mingjiang's interview and judged that the administrative order of Biden may have spillover benefits, and it does not rule out that American allies will follow up with similar investment restrictions on China;It will be more cautious.