(Beijing/Tokyo Comprehensive News) The Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced that it has resumed its outbound team travel business in Japan, South Korea, Australia, Britain, Germany, and the United States.After the news was released, many travel agencies in China and online travel service platforms successively launched related products, and tourists' consultation volume quickly risen.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China issued a notice on the official website on Thursday (August 10). From now on, it will restore the travel agencies and online tourism companies to operate Chinese citizens to the relevant countries and regions (the third batch) outbound team tourism and "air ticket+hotel"Business, there are 78 destination countries, including Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India, Germany, Britain, the United States and other popular tourist destinations.

As of now, the destination of the Chinese citizens' outbound team has increased to 138.

After the news was released, the Chinese travel agency and the online travel platform were launched on the shelves for the first time, and the relevant data soared rapidly.According to surging news reports, Ctrip data shows that after the news was released, the instant search growth of outbound tourism products increased by more than 20 times. Among them, the National Day departure period was the most concerned.The number of user consultations has increased rapidly, exceeding more than ten times that of the summer.

Regarding overseas hotel reservations, Meituan and Public Comment data show that as of noon on Thursday, the instant views of overseas hotels on the platform have skyrocketed seven times.Among them, the accommodation of Japan and South Korea increased by 12 times and 15 times, respectively.

With the increase in the destinations of outbound travel, many Chinese tourism companies predict that the outbound travel market may usher in a peak in the next "Eleventh" long holiday period.

Japan is one of the popular destinations of Chinese tourists. In 2019 before the outbreak of the crown disease, Chinese tourists accounted for about 30%of the overall number of foreigners visited Japan.The Kyodo News from Japan quoted several sources that the Chinese government has informed the Japanese side to travel to Japan as soon as Thursday.

Because of the epidemic, China has suspended the team in Japan since January 2020.Kyodo Society said that if the team tour is restored, it is expected to drive foreigners to increase Japan and have a positive impact on the Japanese economy.