The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Thursday (August 10) criticized the US investment restrictions on the administrative order of the United States, and said that China will pay close attention to relevant trends and resolutely safeguard their rights and interests.

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on the official website in the form of a reporter that China has strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to the United States' insistence on the introduction of investment restrictions in China, and has raised solemnly to the United States.

The spokesman said: "Under the guise of national security, the United States restricts investment in US companies to invest in China and engaged in general security and generalization. The real purpose is to deprive China's development rights and safeguard their own hegemony.It is naked economic coercion and scientific and technological bullying. "

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China pointed out that the United States has seriously violated the principles of market economy and fair competition, severely damaged international economic and trade order, and seriously disrupts the global industrial chain supply chain.The interests of China and the United States and the world are seriously damaged.

The spokesman also said: "China urges the United States to actively fulfill President Biden's commitment to China '" decoupled' and unintentionally obstructing China's economic development, and stops politically, tools, and weapons of economic and trade science and technology issues.Immediately revoke the wrong decision, cancel the investment restrictions on China, and create a good environment for Sino -US economic and trade cooperation. China will pay close attention to related trends and resolutely safeguard their rights and interests. "Signing an administrative order to prohibit some new investment projects in China in sensitive technologies such as computer chips, and require investors to notify the US government's capital situation in other scientific and technological fields.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that the administrative order authorized the US Treasury Minister to prohibit or restrict the United States in the three areas of semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information technology, and some artificial intelligence systems.project.

The White House introduced in the press release that the United States has restricted some sensitive technologies exporting to China earlier, and this administrative order will prevent US investment projects from being known as the area of concern to the United States and help accelerate the local local localities that will accelerate these technologies.change.The administrative order includes mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau in the area.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce also criticized the United States and vowed to retain the right to take measures.