The Ministry of Commerce of China has criticized the United States administrative order on the prohibition part of the China -Sensitivity technology investment project, and vowed to retain the right to take measures.

The Ministry of Commerce of China on Thursday (August 10) responded in response to reporters on the official website and responded to the United States issuing an external investment review administration order, saying that the United States restricted its domestic enterprises' foreign investment and went to risks to risks risks.The guise of the investment field is engaged in a broken chain, "seriously departs from the principles of market economy and fair competition that the United States has always advocated, affects the normal business decision -making of the enterprise, destroys the international economic and trade order, and seriously disrupts the security of the global industrial chain supply chain. China has expressed serious concerns about this., The right to take measures will be reserved. "

A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce calls on the United States to respect the laws of market economy and fair competition principles. Do not artificially hinder global economic and trade exchanges and cooperation, and do not set up obstacles for the recovery of the world economy.

U.S. President Biden signed an administrative order on Wednesday (9th) local time, prohibiting the United States from new investment projects in sensitive technology fields such as computer chips, and asked investors to notify the US government in other technologyFields in the field.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that the administrative order authorized the US Treasury Minister to prohibit or restrict the United States in the three areas of semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information technology, and some artificial intelligence systems.project.

The White House introduced in the press release that the United States has restricted some sensitive technologies exporting to China earlier, and this administrative order will prevent US investment projects from being known as the area of concern to the United States and help accelerate the local local localities that will accelerate these technologies.change.The administrative order includes mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau in the area.