CEOs of the top chip companies in the United States will meet with the White House officials, hoping to persuade them to relax the new export restrictions to implement China.

According to Bloomberg report on July 17, people familiar with the matter revealed that the CEO of Intel, Nvidia, and Qualcomm opposed the export control of China to tighten the tightening chip and semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

The White House officials participating in the meeting include Brened, director of the National Economic Commission, and Shalvan, a national security consultant.It is reported that Washington plans to announce the new regulations within a few weeks.

Nvidia and Qualcomm do not comment, Intel and the White House have not responded to the evaluation request.

People familiar with the matter said that although chip company executives do not expect to prevent all the actions of the government, they feel that an opportunity window is appearing, and they think that they hope to persuade the Bayeng team to upgrade the Sino -US dispute upgrade upgrade.It will damage the current diplomatic efforts of the White House.

Since the itinerary has not yet been made public, people familiar with the matter require anonymous.

These companies believe that the relationship with China's largest market is cut off, which will damage their ability to invest in technological development and eventually affect the United States' leading position.