People familiar with the matter revealed that the executives of many American semiconductor companies such as Intel and Qualcomm plan to visit Washington next week to talk to US officials to try to prevent the Bayeon government from tightening the restrictions on exports to China semiconductor.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that people familiar with the matter said that the CEO of Intel, Qualcomm and Nvidia plans to lobby the Bayeng government to prevent Washington from tightening the restrictions on the sales of advanced chips and export semiconductor manufacturing equipment in ChinaEssenceThe Biden government is expected to declare tightening the export control of China in the next few weeks.

People familiar with the matter said that they do not expect to block all control measures, but they are looking for opportunities to persuade the Bayeon government team, that is, the upgrade of control measures will damage the White House.Diplomatic efforts made.

The US Department of Commerce issued a provision last October that the US semiconductor equipment manufacturer was prohibited from exporting chips and advanced chip production equipment used for military use for Chinese use.

At present, the Biden government plans to tighten the measures that have been introduced to expand the types of chip types that are applicable to export control orders.Sources revealed to Reuters last month that the Bayeng government is considering restricting US companies selling high -performance computing chips to China, and at the same time tightened a license that allows American companies to ship to Chinese telecommunications giants.

These regulations will affect Intel and Qualcomm, respectively, of which Intel is preparing to launch a new type of artificial intelligence chip to the Chinese market to bypass Washington's export control; Qualcomm has a license to sell chips from Huawei.

In addition, Bloomberg reported on Saturday (July 15) that the US and the Dutch government will restrict Asmi to provide maintenance, maintenance services and supply parts for Chinese control chip production equipment.

A number of semiconductor companies in the United States worry that if the export control of the Biden government has expanded to other fields such as artificial intelligence, the sales of these companies will inevitably hit the sales of these companies. Among them, the leading Nvidia in the field of artificial intelligence will also be the first.