Li Bin, CEO of China Electric Vehicle Corporation Weilai Automobile, calls on the US government to provide equal opportunities for Chinese electric vehicle companies to enter the US market. Automotive manufacturers should not be involved in the political tensions between super powers.

The Financial Times published an exclusive interview with Li Bin on Thursday (July 13).Li Bin said that after the crown disease epidemic caused by division and confrontation, today's global political atmosphere is very different from the company's establishment in 2015.But he emphasized that the world should be more open and stop business politics.

He questioned: "Chinese consumers can have a variety of (new energy vehicles). Why can't American consumers enjoy these products?"

Li Bin said, WeilaiWith international qualifications, except for listing in New York, more than three -quarters of Weilai comes from China.

It is reported that Li Bin's criticism of US trade protectionism highlights the uncertainty of Chinese electric vehicle companies' access to foreign markets.After Tesla opened a price war in China to pursue market share and impact the sales of Chinese electric vehicle companies, BYD, Weilai Automobile and other companies are actively expanding overseas markets.

However, the United States levies high tariffs on Chinese imported electric vehicles, and under the Bayeng government's inflation reduction bill, it is difficult for Chinese brands to obtain subsidies for electric vehicles and Chinese electric vehicle components, resulting in Chinese electric electricityCar companies are facing many uncertainty in the United States.

In addition, Li Bin also refuted a view of the outside world, that is, the success of Weilai Automobile in China and the decline of foreign competitors in China.Essence

Li Bin said, "Chinese consumers, like consumers around the world, pay attention to quality."He warns that if foreign brands cannot keep up with China's innovation, they will eventually fall into a dangerous situation.