The Taiwan Government announced on Monday (July 17) that Vice President Lai Qingde will transit the United States as a special envoy of Tsai Ing -wen to participate in the inauguration of Santiago Pena, a President President President in South America.Mainland China has proposed to the United States solemnly and stated that it will take resolute and effective measures to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The analysis of scholars in the interviewed, when Lai Qingde, the Presidential Presidential candidate in the United States and China in the United States and China, transit the United States is particularly sensitive to the United States, and the United States had to deal with low -key processing.

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan? At the press conference of the Presidential Palace, Cai Yingwen appointed Lai Qingde as a special envoy to attend the 486 anniversary of the establishment of the Pana's inauguration and the 486th anniversary of the A Songson Sen of Paraguay.Arrive at Paraguay and attended the inaugural ceremony on August 15.

Taiwan media reported that the United States hoped that Lai Qingde would be low -key when he passed the United States, and even asked Lai Qingde to have only one overseas Chinese banquet without disclosure. Taiwan's representative Xiao Meiqin worked hard to mediate, but the effect was not great.

Yu Da said that in the past, President and Vice President's visit to the United States would pass in the United States."" ".

He emphasized that the vice president has handled the United States 10 times, which is the 11th time. This is the practice. There is no reason to make unnecessary harassment in the mainland.

Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China, said at a regular press conference on Monday that the mainland resolutely opposed any form of official US Taiwan officials and had proposed a serious negotiation to the United States.

Mao Ning also said: "Resolutely oppose Taiwan independence division molecules to the United States in any name and any reason, and resolutely oppose the United States in any form to condone the split elements and its split behaviors in any form."

She reiterates that "Taiwan's issue is the core of China's core interests, the first era of the first one that Sino -US relations", and urged the United States to abide by the three joint communiqué regulations of China and China and the United States, and effectively fulfill US leadership in the United States.People make no promises such as Taiwan independence, stop officials in the United States and Taiwan, and stop upgrading the substantive relationship of Taiwan.

Researcher Yan Zhensheng, a researcher at the International Research Center of the University of Politics, pointed out that the United States and Lu are alleviating the relationship. US President Biden hopes to meet in the second half of the G20 and APEC (Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference) and the official meeting of China President of the mainland.The United States is really very sensitive, and the United States must deal with low -key treatment.

Analysis of Yan Zhensheng, Lai Qingde was a vice president who was able to visit AIA's transit in the United States as a special envoy, but it was because of his vice presidential identity that he could not enter Washington.

"Lai Qingde's past Taiwan independence claims still make the United States unwilling; Cai Yingwen visited the United States in 2012. Because cross -strait policies were not trusted by the United States, they also had a gray face when they visited the United States.After revising its position, if you have said that you want to enter the White House a few days ago, you may not even let him go near Huafu. "

Earlier, Lai Qingde visited the National Democratic Foundation (NED) President Damon Wilson. When he visited the group, he said that he was facing the threat of the rise of regional hegemony and hoped that the National Democratic Foundation continued to support Taiwan.Taiwan, to jointly maintain peace and stability in the Indo -Pacific region.

In addition, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Abe, visited Taiwan on Monday. Lai Qingde attended a welcome dinner held at the Yuanshan Hotel in Taipei in the evening.

The press release of the Presidential Palace said that Lai Qingde expressed his feelings for Abe on behalf of Tsai Ing -wen on behalf of Tsai Ing -wen. Abe was definitely not only Japanese international politicians, and contributed to Japan and India's peace and stability. At the same time, he was a very warm person.