(Beijing/Washington Comprehensive News) The US Climate Special Envoy Cry arrived in Beijing to restart the Sino -US climate negotiation.Kerry's visit to China will test how the two major greenhouse gas emissions countries in the world have serious differences in other topics, how to strengthen cooperation to fight global warming.

According to China CCTV news report, Cry On Sunday (July 16) arrived in Beijing in the afternoon, China and the United States will exchanged in -depth exchanges on climate change on Monday (17th) on Monday (17th).

Kerry is the third American senior official to visit China after US Secretary of State Brillin and Treasury Secretary Yellen.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that after visiting Taiwan in August last year, Beijing's speaker Perosi was suspended with the United States on climate, security and other issues.This trip marked the formal consultation of China and the United States for the first time in the past year in the past year.

Kerry will hold a three -day talks with Jie Zhenhua with the special envoy of climate change affairs in China, and will focus on discussing issues including reducing methane emissions, restricting coal use, curbing forest cutting, and helping poor countries to cope with climate change.He said he hopes to "frankly talk" with Chinese officials.

The US State Department said that Crey will contact Chinese officials in Beijing, "to strengthen execution and attempt, and promote the success of COP28."COP28 refers to the next UN climate change conference in Dubai in December.

Observer pointed out that Kerry, who served as Secretary of State in former US President Barack Obama, had more than 20 years of diplomatic friendship with Xie Zhenhua, and the relationship between the two was harmonious.They may also negotiate against other restricted measures such as China's solar panels and battery components imports in China against tariffs on the United States, as well as the United States.

David Sandalow, director of the Global Energy Policy Center, said that he did not expect these meetings to make breakthrough progress, but hoped that they could help restore normal diplomacy.

Kerry said at the hearing of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives last Thursday (13th). When he talked about the goal of this trip: "What we need to do now is to establish some stable in the case of no concession.Relationship. "