Special envoy of American climate issue in Beijing, CryOn Monday (July 17), Jie Zhenhua, a special envoy of climate change affairs in China, held a talk of up to four hours.

CCTV reported the above news on Monday afternoon.As for the content and details of the talks between the two, CCTV did not disclose in the report.

According to Bloomberg, Xie Zhenhua said at the talks that China seeks substantial dialogue.He added that these talks can also contribute to the improvement of bilateral relations in China and the United States.

Kerry said that he hoped that the two sides would take some major measures to send signals to the world, showing how China and the United States would seriously treat humans to a common threat.

Last year, after visiting Taiwan at the then Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, the two major greenhouse gas emissions countries of China and the United States regarded the interruption of how to deal with global warming.Today, when the communication is re -expanded, the Bayeng government is also promoting the resumption of high -level dialogue between the two countries.

Kerry is the third American senior official who has visited China in the near future after US Secretary of State Brillin and Treasury Secretary Yellen.Bloomberg reported that although Brinden and Yellen promised to continue their dialogue when they left Hua, climate issues seemed to be a field where both parties could get a breakthrough.

Xie Zhenhua said, "China and the United States have similar ideas and pasts in responding to climate change."Co -made progress.

Xie Zhenhua also said that he and Kerry agreed to conduct frank and friendly exchanges when discussing the climate and green transformation challenges in the next three days.