Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, said in a meeting with US Secretary of State Brosky that China and the United States should resolutely prevent the "gray rhinos", properly handle the "black swan", and completely move out the "block tiger" as a thorough "block tiger" for it as a thorough.Sino -US relations have stable accumulation conditions and exclude interference.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Wang Yi met on Thursday (July 13) to meet with Brillin in Jakarta, Indonesia.Wang Yi said that when Brinken visited China last month, Chinese officials put forward important strategic and guiding opinions on stable and developing Sino -US relations.The two sides reached some consensus through in -depth frank communication. The most important one was to return to the Bali agenda and take an important step towards the schedule of Sino -US relations.

Wang Yi said that the key to the next step is to come up with actual actions and strive to return to the correct track of the relationship between the two countries.The United States needs to reflect on the crux of severe difficulties in Sino -US relations. It is necessary to truly transform the consensus consensus of the heads of state of the two countries into specific actions. It also needs to effectively implement a series of commitments made by President Biden several times.

Wang Yi said, "The two sides should start with specific things, resolutely prevent the 'gray rhino', properly handle the 'black swan', and completely move off the 'blocking of Land Rover' to accumulate conditions and eliminate interference for the stable accumulation of Sino -US relations."The United States should adopt a rational and pragmatic attitude, act with China, promote the principles of Sino -US relations guidance, expand the channels for foreign security communication, enhance the practical results of communication, and unblock humanistic exchanges.

Wang Yi explained the serious position of China on the Taiwan issue, requiring the United States to not interfere with China's internal affairs, not to harm China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, stop economic, trade and technology on China, and cancel illegal sanctions against China.As a great country with important influence, China and the United States should respect the efforts of regional countries, support the status of the Asian Safe Center, and avoid introducing disputes and complex factors into regional cooperation.

The two sides also conducted positive discussions on the Asia -Pacific and maritime affairs consultations.It is believed that the meeting was frank, pragmatic, and constructive, and agreed to continue to communicate.

This is the second meeting within a month after the two met in Beijing last month.U.S. State Department spokesman Miller said through a press release after the two people met that the two parties conducted a "frank and constructive discussion". This talk aims to maintain an open communication channel, clarify the interests of the United States on extensive issues, and pass the throughout the issue of extensive issues, and pass the through the extensive issues, and pass the through the extensive issues, and pass the through the extensive issues, and pass the through the extensive issues, and pass the through the extensive issues.Reduce the risks of misunderstandings and misjudgments, and manage competition responsible.