(Beijing/Washington Comprehensive News) Wang Yi, Director of the Office of the CPC Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee, met with the US Secretary of State Brosky on Thursday (July 13), urged the United States to work with China, took practical actions, and strived for the two countries.The relationship returns the correct track.

According to the official official of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday (14th), Wang Yi said during the meeting that China and the United States should start with specific things, resolutely prevent the "gray rhinos", properly handle the "black swan", and completely move ""Blocking Land Rover" is the stable accumulation of Sino -US relations and exclude interference.

He said that the United States should adopt a rational and pragmatic attitude, go with China to promote the principle of guiding the guidance of Sino -US relations, expand the channels of diplomatic security communication, enhance the effectiveness of communication, and unblock humanities.

Wang Yi also expounded the strict position of China on the Taiwan issue, requiring the United States to not interfere with China's internal affairs, not to harm China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, stop economic and trade and technology on China, and cancel illegal sanctions against China.

Wang Yi and Brinken held a second meeting within a month during the meeting of the Ayanian Foreign Minister at Jakarta.Bloomberg quoted U.S. officials that Brinken and Wang Yi talked about 90 minutes this time, which was extended from the original plan.

U.S. officials said that Brinken warned in the talks in the talks that the United States would take appropriate actions for any actions against the US government, companies, and American citizens.

Microsoft reported on Tuesday, a group of Chinese hackers invaded the network system of nearly 25 organizations and institutions in the United States, intending to collect American intelligence.

However, after the talks between the two, Sino -US official release did not mention the content of Brillin's talk about the hacking operation, showing that although senior Sino -US officials expressed dissatisfaction when they face each other, they also sought to establish some kind of order.Essence

Wang Yi also met with Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian on Thursday.According to the release of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi said during the meeting that China -Australia relations stopped falling and stabilized, and it was improved and developed. It proves that as long as the two parties adhere to the original intention of building diplomatic relations and adhere to the correct way to get along, China -Australia relations can develop well and develop well.Essence