Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the CPC Central Committee, Wang Yi, and US Secretary of State Brosky, held a second meeting within a month during a month of attending the Asian Dimetry Foreign Minister's meeting at the Asian Dimetry Foreign Minister meeting in Indonesia.Frequent meetings at the US diplomacy will help promote the implementation of the heads of state of the two countries during the year.

After Wang Yi and Brinken met, the US State Department spokesman Miller said through a press release that the two parties conducted a "frank and constructive discussion".The interests of extensive issues, and manage competition responsibly by reducing the risks of misunderstanding and misjudgment.

He said that Brinken also emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

When Brinken went to Beijing in June, he held talks with Wang Yi.At that time, it was also the first visit to China in the past five years.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China had previously announced that the Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang could not go to Jakarta, Indonesia to attend the Asian Gyeongan Foreign Minister's meeting due to the "health factors".

Li Dazhong, Director of the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy of Taiwan Tamkang University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that high -level diplomatic executives of the two countries can meet twice within a month.The most basic consensus to promote high -level communication can slightly alleviate each other's tension to a certain extent.

He believes that this will help increase the probability of the head of state between China and the United States to achieve a face -to -face meeting this year.

However, before the talks, the Washington Post New York Times quoted US officials and Microsoft that since May this year, hackers related to the Chinese government have invaded email accounts of more than 25 institutions in the United States, including at least two governmentsmechanism.The U.S. State Department and the Ministry of Commerce have also confirmed to be invaded by hackers.

For this incident, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin said in an inquiry on Thursday that the United States should explain to the Internet attack behavior as soon as possible, rather than spreading false information transfer.

Agence France -Presse quoted U.S. officials that Brinken proposed to Wang Yi during the talks that any actions against the U.S. government, enterprises and citizens have deeply worried the United States.Essence

U.S. officials also revealed that Brinken also proposed to Wang Yi that the two countries urgently needed to restore military communication, but have not made significant progress.

One day before Wang Yi and Brinken, the Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng went to the Pentagon rarely and held a talk of about 90 minutes with the American Assistant Defense Minister Latna.

According to the official press release of China and the United States, Xie Feng asked the United States to adopt action to eliminate obstacles and control differences. In accordance with the three joint communiqué principles of China and the United States, carefully deal with important sensitive issues such as Taiwan, and promote China to promote the two armies.The relationship is gradually returning to the right track.

Latna emphasized that the US Department of Defense is committed to maintaining the open channels of military exchanges between the two countries.

Li Dazhong analyzed that the Chinese ambassador to the United States meeting in the United States was not common, but whether this meeting could promote the recurrence of military dialogue between the two countries still to be observed.After all, although this topic is the focus of the Bayeng government, the ball is in Beijing.

Reuters quoted Sun Yun, the director of China Project of the American Stin Sheng Center, and judged that unless Washington cancels the sanctions against the Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu, it is unlikely that Beijing to accept the defense -level conference between the two countries.

Since June, Bronken and US Treasury Minister Yellen has visited Beijing successively; American climate special envoy Kerry is expected to visit China next week.

All signs show that Washington is trying to repair relations with China.However, China and the United States failed to meet in the Shangri -La dialogue held in Singapore in June.The analysis believes that this is due to the imposing sanctions on Li Shangfu in 2018 to assist China's imports of Russian weapons in 2018.

Wang Yi also met with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Thursday.According to a press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi said that China and Russia have firmly supported each other to safeguard their legitimate interests and strengthen strategic communication and coordination. China is willing to support the status of the Asian Safe Center with the Russian side and be alert to external forces interference.