The co -founder of the Chinese real estate giant and the co -founder of R & F Group agreed to be extradited from London to the United States, and he will face criminal charges suspected of bribery.

Tension was arrested by the London police on November 30 last year because he was charged with a contract in California to obtain a contract.Tension was argued on the extradition.

According to the Bloomberg News Agency on Friday (June 16), according to the British court documents, the tension "agreed to be extradited to the United States under the premise of conditional bail".

US law enforcement agencies said that in order to obtain a development permit for a multi -purpose residential and commercial project worth millionsGift gifts are estimated to be between 40,000 and $ 70,000 (S $ 535 to 93,600 yuan).

After the tension was arrested, R & F Real Estate issued an announcement saying that the charges in the United States were wrong, and the company was taking legal action.

After being arrested last year, tension was approved for bail within less than two weeks, and the bail was as high as £ 15 million, setting the highest joint bail gold record in the British court.

After that, tension was placed under house arrest all -weather in an apartment on the 43rd floor of a high -rise building in London, and was subject to security and CCTV monitoring.

The tension and the Hong Konger Li Silian, who used to be a trader, founded R & F Group.The two became famous because they turned on a large land on the suburbs of Guangzhou.