The founder of Microsoft, the founder of Microsoft in the United States, visited China the next day. The Gates Foundation promised to donate $ 50 million (S $ 66.85 million) for the Global Pharmaceutical R & D Center in Beijing.

According to the Beijing News, Bill Gates made a speech at the Global Health Drug Discovery Institute (GHDDI) at the Beijing News, stating that it is necessaryEssence

Bill Gates said in his speech that although in the past four years, the crown disease epidemic, climate change, famine, etc. have brought unprecedented health and development challenges to the world, but he is still optimistic.The world has made amazing progress in saving children's lives. Science and technology also shows unprecedented potential in solving problems. For example, MRNA vaccine technology makes vaccines that prevent tuberculosis and malaria diseases.

He emphasized that only in the process of all sectors of society, academic, commercial, and charitable organizations, can these global challenges be solved in the process.

The Gates Foundation announced on the same day to continue to work with the Beijing Municipal Government and Tsinghua University to provide GHDDI with a $ 50 million donation to support the agency's development of drugs to save life.

The Beijing Municipal Government also promises to provide funding support of the same scale. Tsinghua University will continue to support the development of GHDDI in the aspects of scientific research platform construction and sharing, results transformation, and talent training.

This funds will be used to strengthen GHDDI's drug research and development capabilities, focusing on helping to face greater vulnerable people with greater risk of infectious diseases in low -income countries.

GHDDI was established in Beijing in 2016. It is an independent operation and non -profit innovation drug research and development institution co -founded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Tsinghua University and Beijing Municipal Government.Essence

Bill Gates also met with Beijing Mayor Yin Yong on Thursday afternoon.According to Reuters, Bill Gates will meet on Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday.