Former US Secretary Henry KissingerBoth countries have "at the top of a precipice. If the current tension is continuous, the Taiwan Strait may erupt military conflict.

According to Bloomberg report on June 15, Kissinger was interviewed by Bloomberg News editor -in -chief John Micklethwait, and when asked about the possibility of Beijing's martial arts, Beijing was asked, BeijingMake the above expression.

Kissinger said: "As far as the current relationship trajectory is concerned, I think military conflicts may occur, but I also believe that the current relationship trajectory must be changed."

Bloomberg News from the Bloomberg News AgencyIt is reported that Kissingh, who had just passed the 100th birthday, commented on US -China relations, may be his most pessimistic statement so far.

Kissinger said that eased the confrontation needs to act together with Beijing and Washington, and now both sides have stood on the top of the cliff.

He said that he still couldn't judge the final ending of the US -China tension, because the two sides had not really participated in the kind of conversation he suggested.But there is one thing that can be convinced that the war between the two superpowers of China and the United States will not have a winner. In his words, "Winnable only at counts that are of proportion)Essence

"This is a special situation, and the biggest threat of a country is another. China thinks that the United States is the biggest threat, and the United States believes that China is the biggest threat," he said.