President Pacao President President Panurangel Whipps JR said that Chinese ships have recently entered Palau's exclusive economic zone recently and have asked the US military to strengthen patrol in the waters.

Hui Shuren said in an exclusive interview with Reuters in Tokyo, Japan on Wednesday (June 14) that Palau welcomes the United States to strengthen the existence of military existence in Palau, except for the existing coastal guard deployed by the United States in PalauOutside of the team and civil operation team, the US military is also welcomed.

He said, "Anyway, no matter what happens, we will be in the central position, so it is important to be protected ... In order to obtain peace, you must show your strength."

Hui Shuren said that Palau found Chinese ships in the nearby waters last month, and these vessels seemed to be surveyed near the fiber cable built by Palau.He said he would ask the above problems at the Pacific Island Forum Leadership Meeting at the Pacific Island State Forum in November.

In this regard, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a press conference on Thursday (15th) that Chinese related vessels have been sheltered in the relevant waters and did not conduct any marine investigation and investigation activities.China has notified the relevant countries.He said that China has always complied with the basic principles of international law and international relations, and has always strictly required Chinese ships to exercise navigation freedom and carry out scientific research activities in accordance with the law.

He said that China has always advocated that all parties should do more things that are beneficial to the peaceful development and stability of the Pacific Island country.It is also believed that safety cooperation between countries should not target third parties.

Pacific island countries such as Palau, Micronesia and the Marshall Islands signed a decades of agreement with Washington after World War II.According to the agreement, the United States has defense responsibility for the Pacific Island country, and the United States also regularly provide economic assistance to these countries.

Reuters reported that China has been seeking a security deployment in the Pacific Island country in recent years. In April last year, it signed a security agreement with the Solomon Islands, which caused concerns from the United States, Australia and New Zealand.Western countries such as the United States believe that this security agreement will allow China to deploy troops in the country.

Subsequently, the United States reached a defense cooperation agreement with Papua New Guinea in May last year.