Dialogue is the first and the most fundamental protective fence to avoid the upgrading of disputes. Australian Prime Minister Albanis believes that the silence caused by the frozen diplomatic relationship will only cause suspicion and allow the country to go to the worst to the worst to the country.Imagine each other.

When Albanis delivered a keynote speech on the 20th Shangri -La dialogue on Friday (June 2), he expressed strong support for the establishment of a reliable and open communication channel for the Bayeon government with the Chinese government.

"If there is no conversation with the pressure valve, the two parties will only think of each other to the worst aspects. If the decision makers have no way to pick up the phone to seek clarification or provide some background explanations, the assumptions will evolve into irreparable actions andThe risk of reaction is greatly improved. "

He pointed out that whether in the Taiwan Strait or elsewhere, the consequences caused by the rupture of communication will not only affect the big power or direct conflict, but will affect the world. Therefore, as a leader and people in this area, everyone must be everyone must.With all efforts to support the construction of this first and most fundamental protective fence.

The tension between China and the United States continued to heat up, and China rejected the U.S. on Monday that the US defense ministers met with the meeting side of the incense venue.At the opening dinner on Friday, China Defense Minister Li Shangfu and the US Defense Minister Austin at the same table, the two held their hands before the banquet.

Release the signal of improving China -Australia relations

In addition to between China and the United States, Albanis also advocates that the relationship between Australia and China is stable through dialogue.In a half -hour speech, he released a signal seeking to improve Sino -Australian relations.

He admits that Australia is not naive to know the limitations of the dialogue process, but also know the fundamental gap between the government systems, values and world views of the two countries, but the principle is that no matter what the problem is, no matter whether the two parties agree or not, they can be directly able to be directly.Treatment is always better and effective.

Albanis said that Australia has strongly called for the cancellation of any trade barriers between the two countries to achieve a win -win situation, and praise China's extraordinary economic transformation not only to benefit domestic people, but also benefit the entire area.

As for the way of dialogue, Albanis believes that bilateral dialogue is important, but when bilateral relations are tight, the two sides sometimes only discuss which topics to avoid in the talks, or because they only want to solve a single topic,Looking at the dialogue from a narrow perspective.Multilateral, regional and international forums can provide new perspectives, looking at the problem from a wider background.

"Multilateral forum also reminds us that as long as everyone cooperates, from sustainable development to global shift to clean energy, we can all catch opportunities."

The rules should be fair and recognized and can operate, and it can be operated

When it comes to multilateralism, Albanis said metaphorically that while setting up a protective field to avoid "crash", countries should also set a set of traffic rules suitable for all highways.

These rules should not be just a set of principles or concepts, but should be able to be able to respond to unpredictable challenges. At the same time, they should be "fair and recognized as fair, can operate, and can be operated."

The protective bar must also maintain all countries, not just the sovereignty of the largest country or the largest power of the right to speak, including self -determination, freedom of action, and independence of policy, and enhance the confidence in the integrity of the territory and control of the country's resources.

He warns that if such a mechanism collapses, if a country thinks too much and thinks that you do not need to comply with the rules, or consider yourself to be a strong country without being bound by rulesThe sovereignty of individual countries.