The latest poll results show that 60 % of the Taiwanese do not agree with the cross -strait community of fate. In the past six years, the agreed people have decreased by 6.7 percentage points, reflecting that the awareness of the cross -strait community has continued to fade in Taiwan.

Comprehensive United News Network and Newtalk News reported that the polls Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation on Monday (August 26) released the latest poll results.Compared with six years ago, the agreed people decreased by 6.7 percentage points, and the incompetence of 4.9 percentage points was increased. One percentage points were calculated by 195,000 people. In the past six years, 1.3 million people with a sense of cross -strait fate community consciousness decreased.

You Yinglong, chairman of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation, analyzed that more than two -thirds of the Taiwanese have no feeling of blood than water, being bitter, and resting together with "mainland compatriots".

In addition, ask the Taiwanese's views on the "unity of the motherland". The latest polls show that only 13%are in favor, and about 77%disagree.Compared with six years ago, the approval of the favor fell 12.3 percentage points, and the opponents rose 12.5 percentage points.

If the year of the 1996 election in the 1996 election, 45%of Taiwan adults in favor of the pursuit of "the unity of the motherland", 37%opposed it.

You Yinglong pointed out that according to reliable and long -term political scientific experience research, in the past 30 years, the overall intention of Taiwanese has undergone tremendous changes in the overall intention of the so -called "unity of the motherland".The Taiwanese anti -reunification and pursuing independence are already the general trend.

The period of this visit is August 12th to 14th; the object of 20 years of age in Taiwan is in Taiwan; the sampling method is sampled by the double -bottom volume of the market and the mobile phone.30%of mobile phones.There are 1075 people with valid samples, 755 people in the market, and 320 mobile phones; the sampling error is about 2.99 percentage points at the level of 95%confidence.