(Taipei Comprehensive News) The Changrong Crown Hotel in Paris did not hang the five -star red flag incident.On the same day, the party condemned mainland China.

The Taiwan Transportation Giant Evergreen Group issued a statement on Friday (August 23) to explain to the related arrangements of the Paris Music Hotel during the Olympics, which will apologize to the emotions of the people on both sides of the strait.A similar situation occurred.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded on the official website on Saturday (August 24) that the mainland government once again used relevant means to force enterprises to publicly support the support of the so -called 1992 consensus and oppose Taiwan independence, trying to carry out political manipulation with economic coercion, and businessForcing politics, destroying rules -based international order and normal business behavior, then its political purpose, the Taiwan Foreign Ministry strongly condemned it.

On the same day, the Taiwan MAC also said on the official website: "Strictly protest and condemn the Chinese Communist Party's operation of nationalism, and encourage emotional netizens to do improperly for Taiwanese corporate bullying and pressure, economic stress, etc."

The Democratic Progressive Party issued a statement that the mainland government encouraged "small pink" troubles around the world, and repeatedly harassed Taiwan and foreign companies in order to achieve political goals.

A mainland Chinese netizen said on August 13th that the five -star red flag lacks the five -star red flag in the small national flag hanging by Changrong Paris in the lobby.