The Taiwanese people's party has fallen into a fake accountant. The outside world pays attention to the party's internal fighting problem. For the "exile in Taichung", the Taichung Municipal Government consultant Cai Qiru said that he has never entered the core of the people's party.

Comprehensive Taiwan reporting and TVBS News Network reported on Sunday (August 25) that Cai Qiru opened a new program niche politics, and the first episode answered the recent doubts of the outside world.

For the election of going to Taichung to be out of the core of the party department, Cai Qiru said that he has never entered the core of the party's kernel, nor is it forced to leave the north.People can force me away. "In Taichung," the one is pretty happy ", and even glad that he was far away from the fake storm because he went to Taichung to open up the country because he went to Taichung.

Cai Qiru said that the people who had heard of the Taipei city government did not want her to return to the party department.

For the people's fighting in the party, Cai Qiru said that the people's party is so small and there are so few people. What are the power to fight?She pointed out that in order to operate a small party, people who have to take root in local expansion and people who go to local development are the objects of worship within the party.

For Ke Wenzhe's recent fake ledger storm, Cai Qiru said, looking forward to supporters rational and calm, I believe that Ke Wenzhe can get more difficult.Even if the storm continues, she will still support the people's party, and she will always be members of the people and will not leave.

Cai Qiru has followed Ke Wenzhe for many years. It is the old party of the people's party to create the party.

After Ke Wenzhe was fallen into the false storm of political contributions, Cai Qiru had named Huang Shanshan with political responsibility and resigned and responsible. However, Ke Wenzhe said that the people's party is currently responsible for handling the aftermath and appointed Huang Shanshan to be responsible for the aftermath group.