Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the Taiwanese party, has recently been trapped in the political offering of fake accounts. The latest polls of the Meilizimao Electronics News show that Ke Wenzhe's unbelievable position has increased significantly.

Comprehensive Dongsen News Network and United News Network reported that the Miyoshima Electronics News on Monday (August 26) released the national polls in August. The results of the trust of Ke Wenzhe showed that 23.4% were 23.4%The interviewed people expressed their trust, and fell 22.4 percentage points compared to the President of the People's Party in May 2023, and 69.1%of the respondents said that they did not trust Ke Wenzhe.7.5%.

As for the investigation of the people's party, 21.9%of the respondents have a good opinion of the people's party, of which 1.9%have a good opinion and 20.0%a bit good. Compared with the steep fell from the previous month65.3%disgusted the people's party, of which 32.0%were very disgusted, 33.3%were a bit disgusted, a sharp increase of 15.7 percentage points from the previous month, and no clear answer was 12.8%.Further analysis found that the people's impression of the party's impression that the shock was the largest of the founding of the party, and disgusted to reach a new high in the past five years.

During the above -mentioned public opinion survey, from August 21st to 23rd, the target was sampled by adults over 20 years of age in Taiwan.325 mobile phones, the maximum value of the sample error when the consolidated sample is 95%of the trust level is three percentage points of positive and negative.