(Taipei Comprehensive News) Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Heili said that Taiwan does not need to pay for its own defense, and said that supporting Taiwan is a rare consensus between the United States.She also said that isolationism is unhealthy and calls on the Republican Party and Taiwan to stand together to face mainland China together.

Heili was a competitor of former US President Trump when he was nominated by the Republican presidential candidate. She announced the withdrawal in March this year .3708919 "target = _blank> calls for supporters to vote for Trump .

Comprehensive Reuters, Zhongshi News Network, and Liberty reported that Heili, who was visiting Taiwan on Saturday (August 24), said in a joint media interview that she did not think that Taiwan needs to pay for her defense.It is to improve the partnership and training with Taiwan to ensure that Taiwan is given priority for whenever equipment is provided.

She believes that the most helping way to help Taiwan is to accelerate military training and accelerate intelligence sharing with Taiwan to counter the continuous network attacks in mainland China.

Heili also said that supporting Taiwan and the threat of Chinese mainland is one of the very few consensus of the two parties in the United States. She suggested that the United States and Taiwan request the United Nations to hold a hearing for the "UN Resolution No. 2758".Social discussion of this resolution.

Trump had accused Taiwan of taking the US chip business during an earlier interview, saying that Taiwan should pay the US for its own defense.This remark triggered that the US allies worry that Trump will come to power, and foreign policy will turn to isolation.

Heili said that it is important to support Taiwan, Ukraine and Israel."I don't think the way of isolationism is healthy. The United States cannot sit in the bubble forever, thinking that we will not be affected."

She said: "I hope to see the Republican party talk about freedom and stand with our allies to ensure that we show our strength around the world."