Luo Wenjia, Secretary -General of the Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation, said that the mainland has strengthened the use of control measures for the use of virtual special networks (VPN) and controlling in sensitive areas. ThereforeTouch regulations.

According to the press release of the Sea base, Luo Wenjia said on Friday (August 23) that the recent public documents of the Ministry of National Security of ChinaIt will take more control measures.In addition, Mainland China has recently strengthened the control of the use of VPNs. There are even cases that have been tracked from now to the wall of the wall four years ago and the users are punished.

Luo Wenjia reminds the people of Taiwan to go to the Land Scriptures, travel, and school, so as not to mistakenly touch the relevant regulations of the mainland.

In addition, Luo Wenjia quoted the Wall Street Journal disclosure to disclose the smuggling of controlled chips in mainland China in the United States to return to the mainland, and in recent years, the US government has repatriated more than 30 mainland masters and doctoral students.Some sensitive departments of European and American schools will also refuse students from mainland China to enter the school when enrollment, especially students who have won scholarships from the National Study Abroad Fund Commission of the Mainland.

Luo Wenjia said that if Taiwanese students plan to go to mainland China to study, they will still want to apply for a master's degree and doctor in European and American universities in the future.When choosing to study in land, you should pay special attention to avoid being affected in the future.