A Hong Kong man applied for a rejection of his wife's residence with his wife in Taiwan. The reason was that he had the status of Hong Kong civil servants.The man later filed an administrative lawsuit but was rejected.After the incident was exposed, the civil servant had reportedly suspended.

Ettoday News Cloud reported last Thursday (August 22) that the man named Chen was rejected in 2022 with his wife's wife's residence in Taiwan. He later filed an administrative lawsuit but was rejected.The Taiwan court found that men have harmful to "national interests", public safety, and public order. The Ministry of the Interior's refusing to reside in the Hong Kong government is not found.

The Taiwan Ministry of the Interior said that if a man did not resign, it would be difficult to confirm the doubts of the country without national security. Besides, if he approved his residence in Taiwan and did not resign, he was working as a different place in the Hong Kong government in Taiwan.

Hong Kong media reported that the man was a civil servant of the housing department responsible for public housing and site engineering.

Hong Kong 01 Sunday (25th) quoted sources reported that the man had been suspended after the incident was exposed and faced further punishment. The government telephone book could not find the name of the parties.