The Taiwan Legislative Dean South Korea ’s plans to re -introduce the image of the" Republic of China "in the main visual design of this year, causing the DPP criticism.Essence

Comprehensive Taiwan ETTODAY News Cloud and China Times reported that the chairman of this year's Double Ten Preparatory Committee was the chairman of the Double Ten Preparatory Committee."The birthday of the Republic of China" is considered to be the "Republic of China" element that the main vision of the festival.

The Democratic Progressive Party has been in power in the past eight years. The Kuomintang has repeatedly criticized the Democratic Progressive Party to deliberately omit the "Republic of China" element in the main visual design of the Double Ten Festival. Now the Kuomintang has become the largest party of the Legislative Yuan.How will the main vision be designed.

Hong Mengkai said on Saturday (August 24) that Double Ten is the birthday of the "Republic of China", which highlights the symbolic significance of the "Republic of China".Respect the significance of the existence of the "Republic of China".

The Kuomintang legislator Li Yanxiu pointed out that in the past eight years, the Democratic Progressive Party was ideally in the form of "going to the Republic of China". In the preparation of the Double Ten Festival, it was prepared to engage in small movements and made the activity into a political struggle.

She said that "the Republic of China" is the largest convention of the whole people, and fully supports South Korean Yu's birthday celebration of the "Republic of China".

Lai Ruilong, a DPP legislator, said that Double Ten Festival is the most important celebration of "Republic of China Taiwan". In addition to the elements of "Republic of China", more Taiwan elements should be added.If you go back to the road of "Chinese Aesthetics", if it is vulgar and simple, the entire cultural literacy will continue to decline.