After the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China has added the "Stubborn Stubborn Stubborn Molecular" column in accordance with the law, the spokesman emphasized that this was only aimed at a small number of "Taiwan independence" stubborn molecules, which did not involve the majority of Taiwan people.The Taiwan MAC believes that if you are encouraged to report others with ideas or remarks, it may form a "trend", and not only a few people will be involved at that time.

According to CCTV News, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Zhu Fenglian on Thursday (August 8) said that when the reporter asked the independence column, the reporter asked that the "Taiwan independence" stubborn molecules split the country and instigated the crime of the country.It is the deserved meaning of defending national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and a righteous move to safeguard the common interests of people on both sides of the strait and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation.

She said: "People on both sides of the strait highly support the measures of punishing 'independences' in accordance with the law, and believe that the measures of accurately cracking down on 'Taiwan independence' stubborn molecules are effective.The stubborn elements of the "bad words and deeds, conspiracy" independent 'activities and the split countries they implemented, and the crime of inciting division of the country does not involve the majority of Taiwan compatriots.There are very few "Taiwan independence" stubborn stubborn elements in an attempt to pull the innocent people for the back of "Taiwan independence", trying to borrow the discredit of the continent to obstruct cross -strait exchanges.

She also said that more and more Taiwanese people have seen the Democratic Progressive Party's dangerous intentions and deception tricks, showing the strong desire to participate in cross -strait exchanges, and actively participate in cross -strait exchanges and support the development of cross -strait relations.

Zhu Fenglian quoted statistics, stating that from January to June this year, people cross -strait personnel exchanged 2.83 million person -times, an increase of 99.5%year -on -year, of which 1.928 million people came to the mainland of the mainland, an increase of 103.2%year -on -year."This fully shows that the historical tide of cross -strait exchanges and cooperation is rolling forward, which will not be affected by the DPP's official and the" Taiwan independence "forces."Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the committee, said at a routine press conference on Thursday that the establishment of a reporting mailbox in the punishment independence column to encourage everyone to report, which may cause the trend of encouragement, such as the industry's competition and mutual complaints, even for someoneThere are comments in remarks and may be reported."Once this situation is formed, many people will be inexplicably involved in."

He said that these practices have no good help for cross -strait relations, and will only make the two sides go further and further.

Liang Wenjie said that although Lu Fang repeatedly emphasized that this move for a few people, once encourages the public to report to others with thoughts or remarks, this "trend" is likely to be unable to stop.It will be just a few people.

He also said that related measures in the mainland, in addition to creating more obstacles and damage to cross -strait exchanges and interaction, and obstructing the exchanges between people on both sides of the strait, there is no benefit to promoting the healthy exchanges on both sides of the strait."The land side should do more work that helps both parties to interact."

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China Office on Wednesday (7th) adds the "punishment of stubborn stubborn molecules in accordance with the law". Among them,There are also reports of reporting mailboxes to open out -of -the -ware reports and crimes.The website of the Ministry of Public Security of the Mainland also added a column of "stubborn stubborn molecules" in accordance with the law.