Doris Brougham, the founder of Air English Magazine, known as "Taiwan English Mother -in -law", died at the age of 98.

Comprehensive United News Network and Taiwan Central News Agency reported that Peng Menghui died on Tuesday (August 6) in the evening.

Peng Menghui was born in the United States and went to Taiwan as a missionary in 1951.In the 1960s, Taiwanese demand for English learning was high. Peng Menghui accepted the invitation of Radio to recording English teaching radio programs, and later released the English teaching magazine.

Peng Menghui founded the "Air English Classroom" in 1962, which is a common memory for Taiwanese to learn English.She has taught three generations to learn English and is hailed as "Taiwan English instructor."

Peng Menghui has won numerous awards in his life, including the Shi Duo Awards, the Golden Ding Award, and the Purple Great Scenery Medal.In June last year, she officially entered Taiwan.