After the Democratic Progressive Party visited the United States, after being accused of meeting the marijuana supplier, Zhu Lilun, the Kuomintang chairman of Taiwan in the wild, was also questioned to meet with US members who had fascinated marijuana.When responding to the incident, the Kuomintang said that the DPP continued to attack the opposition party with a comparison of deer as the horse. The meeting between Zhu Lilun and the US members of the United States obviously wanted to avoid the meal of the athletes to go to the aesthetic group and the cannabis merchant.

The political stand -up mirror weekly magazine reported on Thursday (August 8) that Kang Jinyu, a member of the Kuomintang's associate spokesman and one of the members of the aesthetic selection group, revealed on Wednesday (August 7)The party's delegation went to the overseas Chinese banquet because the person invited invitations was the chief executive officer of the marijuana supplier and was unwilling to let the image of the "Republic of China" link with marijuana.American Representative Ro Khanna.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and ETTODAY News Cloud reported that the Kuomintang spokesman Yang Zhizheng responded on Thursday that the DPP's observation group did not cooperate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to arrange a set of schedules and meet with a marijuana manufacturer with suspected abuse.After turning over the car, Zhu Lilun met with the meeting between Zhu Lilun and the US Congress. It was obviously related to the DPP's trip to the DPP to take the Democratic Progressive Party.

She said that the blue -green parties have exchanged for members of the world in the world.In February last year, the former Tsai Ing -wen and former Legislative Dean You Xizheng had visited the Kenna visits. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the DPP's office in the United States can open the door to take the road and communicate directly with members.Through the hemp merchant with a child abuse experience ".

Yang Zhizheng believes that the DPP continues to use this comparison of such a pointed deer as a horse and the world. There is no difference to attack the opposition party, but he has never seen the DPP chairman and Taiwan Lai Qingde.The DPP has continued to play counterfeit balls against black gold drug fraud. The gathering with cannabis merchants is also vague. At the moment of being united, we only draw the camp to discredit and make rumors in the wild party.

She called on Lai Qingde to rectify internal problems and clearly explain why she should accept the entertainment of marijuana manufacturers.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan organized a cross -party delegation to visit the United States in mid -July.Arrange issues and diplomatic officials.Kuomintang's associate spokesman Kang Jinyu counterattacked and broke the news on Wednesday (August 7). The reason why the Kuomintang decided not to go to the DPP delegation invited overseas banquets because the invitation to invite the invitation was the chief executive officer of the cannabis supplier, and it was time to stopMerchants have also been accused of involving child sexual abuse.

The Democratic Progressive Party referred to the above allegations on Wednesday, and called on the Kuomintang not to discredit the DPP in order to cover up the fact that Ling Tao had drinking and bullying diplomats.