The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan organized a cross -party delegation to visit the United States in mid -July. The Kuomintang's associate spokesman broke the news that the DPP visited the United States to meet with marijuana suppliers locally, and the merchant was accused of children's abuse.The Democratic Progressive Party refuted this is not a fact.

The political stand -up mirror weekly report reported that when the Kuomintang think tank deputy chief CEO Ling Tao participated in the Republican National Congress, he had a shopping with "playing officials" and persuading diplomats to drink. However, the Kuomintang and the Kuomintang andLing Tao came forward for the first time.

The main reason for the dispute between the selection group is suspected to be because the DPP representatives have arranged a private itinerary and did not attend the official itinerary arranged by the Chicago Representative Office, and compressed to the itinerary of the opposition party delegation.Time has caused Ling Tao and foreign officials to break out.

Kuomintang's associate spokesman Kang Jinyu on Wednesday (August 7) ​​posted on Facebook to fight back.Supplier's CEO.

Kang Jinyu said that the Kuomintang considers that there are many young representatives in the delegation, and they are unwilling to let the image of the "Republic of China" be linked to marijuana.Including visiting Millennium Park, Michigan Avenue and Starbucks Cultural Museum.

He emphasized that the Kuomintang's itinerary was planned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, not they actively asked for shopping.Where is it?Charles WU was also the CEO of another company Nexem, which has related intellectual property rights with plant marijuana planting, extraction, processing.

Kang Jinyu said that Charles Wu published an article in 2019, admitting that he was accused of "child sexual abuse" by his ex -wife, which led to his monitoring right.

He emphasized that although the blue -green parties are competitors internally, they should strive for international support.However, the Democratic Progressive Party member Chen Naiyu and others continued to discredit the Kuomintang, and even on TV that it was to be unacceptable to fight diplomacy.

But the Democratic Progressive spokesman Han Ying responded in response that this was not the fact.Han Ying said that the main purpose of the dinner was to interact with the three members of the Illinois. Ask the Kuomintang to discredit the DPP in order to cover up the fact that Ling Tao had drinking and bullying diplomats.

According to the current laws of Taiwan, marijuana is second -level drugs. Any manufacturing, transportation, trading, carrying inbound, holding, and application is illegal.