Yang Yishan, deputy secretary -general of the DPP, who is about to fulfill the deputy representative of the United States in the United States, said that the best moment of Taiwan -US relations has not arrived yet. This is her expectation to herself.

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times Freedom Times reported that Yang Yishan said on Wednesday (August 7) ​​that when she visited the United States, she felt that the United States had a strong and profound cross -party support for Taiwan when she visited the United States.EssenceThis is a difficult diplomatic achievement that can only be achieved with the efforts of many front -line diplomats.

When talking about Taiwan -US relations, she said that the current Taiwan -US relationBetter, this is the hope that there is no political meaning.

Yang Yishan said that he hopes that the people and those who invest in the field of diplomacy will further advance Taiwan's international visibility and international participation.

Yang Yishan believes that Taiwan's challenges in geopolitics need to be solved step by step. This is a collective action and effort to achieve.She hopes to have more partners who are committed to diplomatic work, whether at the political or cultural level, they hope to have higher visibility.

She also laughed and emphasized: "Pearl milk tea is very important, but we should have more elements to provide to the international community."

When she was caught in the abuse of public funds, she was asked how to divide the US diplomats into a combination. She said that there was no question of the so -called division of combination.

The Taiwan Government announced on Tuesday (6th) that Yang Yishan was the deputy representative of Taiwan in the United States.At present, when Yang Yishan has officially announced the official performance, but people familiar with the matter revealed that the diplomatic unit has actively operated, and Yang Yishan expects to take office as soon as October.