The Kuomintang mayor Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan once again meal with former Legislative President Wang Jinping and 30 Blue Camp legislators. It is rumored to persuade Lu Xiuyan to run for the Kuomintang chairman.Participants were generally low -key. In the interview, Wang Jinping admitted that Lu Xiuyan was a good candidate, but "it is too early now."

Comprehensive reports of the Taiwan China Times United Daily and ETTODAY News Cloud, this dinner was held on Wednesday (August 7) ​​at Taichung Forest Hotel.Thirty people, including Chiayi, mayor of Chiayi, who are also vice chairman of the Kuomintang, attended.

The meal was east by the former KMT legislators Cai Linglan.

Wang Jinping said that the dinner was just to celebrate Father's Day. Old colleagues gathered on the occasion and had no connection with the election.However, a person attending the dinner revealed that everyone should be to persuade Lu Xiuyan to choose the Kuomintang chairman, but currently does not understand Lu Xiuyan's attitude.

It is reported that Lu Xiuyan arrived at the venue and then shook hands with the participants one by one.Former legislator Lu Xuezhang also said to Lu Xiuyan, "You want to choose the chairman and choose the president." Lu Xiuyan smiled without responding. The former legislator Zhu Fengzhi stood aside said that he said "this privately."

After the interview with Lu Xuezhang, Lu Xiuyan's performance was impressive during his appointment. At present, political parties are fiercely competitive.This is his personal opinion, but it is also the common voice of many people.

Lu Xiuyan went south to Kaohsiung Road to visit Wang Jinping last month. The two interacted frequently.Wang Jinping said that he could not say that it was interaction, "everyone meets naturally."

Wang Jinping also said that as long as Lu Xiuyan is willing to run for the party chairman, she is a good candidate.As for whether the chairman helps to help the 2028 presidential election, Wang Jinping admits that he needs to evaluate it again.

Lu Xiuyan responded to the reporter's question about this dinner that it was purely to celebrate Father's Day without special purpose.Faced with the question of whether to run for the party chairman, Lu Xiuyan said "thank you" and leave before listening to the question.

Su Qingquan, who is not divided into legislators, revealed that there are several people who are interested in chairman in the party and each have their own strengths. At that timeSplit.

He said that Lu Xiuyan was the first candidate for the 2028 presidential election, but there must be reserve candidates.

The Kuomintang is expected to be re -elected by the party chairman next year. Taiwan ’s public opinion generally believes that Lu Xiuyan, which is very popular in local popularity, may compete for the party chairman to pave the way for the 2028 presidential election.Lu Xiuyan has visited the United States and Singapore before, and is expected to visit Japan next.