Chen Yuzhen, the Kuomintang Kuomintang legislator, said that he will take the fisherman of Hu who will stay in mainland China for nearly five months next Wednesday (August 7) ​​to pick up the fisherman who has been stranded in mainland China for nearly five months.The mainland committee of Taiwan expressed its affirmation, and said that it was a good thing to see the land accumulate in good faith.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times reported that after the Kinmen overturning case reached a consensus, the outside world continued to pay attention to the progress of related cases such as the fishermen of Hu.Chen Yuzhen said on Thursday (August 1) that after coordinating with the land, he will accompany his family members to the mainland on August 7 to pick up the fishermen surnamed Hu back to Taiwan.

Chen Yuzhen also said that I hope that during this period, the large and small incidents in the Golden Gate waters can be solved smoothly, and finally we will welcome the good news of the opening of Luke to Kinmen for sightseeing and tourism.

For the news that the fisherman of the surname Hu will return to Taiwan, the MAC said on Friday (August 2) that he was happy to take action and accumulate goodwill. As long as people can return quickly, it is a good thing.

Qiu Cuizheng, chairman of the MAC, said earlier that the fisherman of the surname Hu was lost because of the weather, and the ship engine lost power and even the border."Timely rescue on both sides of the strait should not be attached."

Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the MAC, said that the fisherman of the surname Hu was rescued at sea, but the rescue became detained. "This is a completely uncivilized approach."He said: "It makes sense to be detained for more than five months now, and we hope to let people quickly let people go."

In March of this year, two Taiwanese fishermen were rescued by the Fujian Maritime Police from the mainland due to their power to lose their motivation for their power.At the beginning, one of the fishermen surnamed Wu had already returned to Taiwan safely, but the other Hu fishermen had been surveyed by Lu Fang for being surveyed for a soldier.