U.S. -Japan Defense Foreign Affairs 2+2 talks announced the reorganization of the US military command in Japan. Taiwanese scholars believe that this will have a deterrent effect on mainland China ’s intent.

According to the Voice of the United States on Wednesday (July 31), Wang Yanlin, a scholar of the Taiwan Institute of Defense and Security, analyzed that for the first island chain country, the biggest dilemma of confrontation with mainland China isRecently, it is too far from the United States, because the resources consumed by the military assets per unit of the United States to the front line will increase significantly with the increase.

He said in an interview with VOA: "The upgrade of the United States and Japan alliances will undoubtedly play a greater role in the region, so that the United States will reduce the loss of the United States from the second island chain or local military assets to the front line., And further a greater deterrent to China invading Taiwan. "

Zhang Yanting, former deputy commander of the Taiwan Air Force, also pointed out that the US -Japan defense upgrade is due to the situation of the Taiwan Strait.In response, in the future, when the United States and Japan are in joint training and in response to "Taiwan's things", the implementation of the combat plans between the two sides will be more smooth.

He called for Taiwan, as the core, it should also be safely strengthened to form a cooperation with the United States and Japan in the future.

According to Reuters, US Secretary of State Brillin and Minister of Defense Austin Sunday (July 28) and the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Uenagawa Yoshikawa and Nikko Muyuan Muhara held a Safety and Security Consultation Committee (2+2)talks.

According to the joint documents published, the US military in Japan will be reorganized into the joint army command, and the commander of the Pacific Command of India.It will interact with the Joint Combat Command established by the Japanese Self -Defense Force in this year.Japan and the United States also listed China as the "biggest strategic challenge" facing the region at the conference.

According to the China CCTV News client report, in response to the joint statement of extended deterrence in the United States and Japan, Liu Jinsong, the director of the Asian Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, met on Tuesday (July 30) to meet the chief envoy of the Japanese embassy in China.And propose solemn negotiation.

Liu Jinsong urged Japan to establish an objective and rational understanding of China, stop talking about Chinese internal affairs, and stop working with some countries to create confrontation with some countries.The political foundation really implements the strategic mutual benefit.