After the delay of more than five months of Kinmen rollover cases reached a consensus, Zhu Lilun, the Kuomintang chairman of Taiwan in the wild, said that the incident has been dragged for nearly half a year, and the relationship between fishermen and cross -strait relations is very great.Dialogue and communication cannot fight against evil.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe News reported that Zhu Lilun went to the Golden Gate to participate in the Legislative Yuan's reform briefing on Thursday (August 1), as well as the Buda Ceremony of Chen Yuzhen, the new chairman of the Kuomintang Jinmen County Party Department.

Talking about the Golden Gate turning over the case, Zhu Lilun said that he would like to thank Chen Yuzhen, the Golden Gate County Government, and the efforts of many civil society groups who were sideways on both sides of the strait, and finally ended the matter.

Zhu Lilun said, although he often said that "it is not better to be as late as", is it really too late this time, it has been dragged for nearly half a year, and it will be very harmful to fishermen and cross -strait relations.Remember to learn.

Zhu Lilun pointed out that the two sides of the strait must communicate through dialogue and cannot fight against evil. There are still problems that have not yet been solved, including the number of Penghu fishing vessels in the 88th 88th, and you must ask Chen Yuzhen to communicate more;In addition, there are open tourism tourism, hoping that more mainland tourists, group customers, and personal tourism can improve the development of tourism and tourism through communication.

A mainland speedboat drove into the Golden Gate waters on February 14 this year. During the pursuit of the Taiwan Marine Patrol officers, the speedboat turned over the death of the two on board, and the two were returned.Nearly half a year after the accident negotiation, the two sides of the two sides of the strait restarted negotiation and reached a consensus on the morning of Golden Gate on Tuesday (July 30).