Cisco's network security researchers said on Thursday (August 1) that a hacker organization is believed to be a hacker organization related to the Taiwan government and the research center dedicated to information processing to steal passwords and documents.

Cisco Talos threatening intelligence team said in an exclusive sharing report with Bloomberg News that the invaders used a kind of access permissions from the above -mentioned unnamed research center in July 2023, using a kind ofAlmost all of the malware tools adopted by mainland hackers.

Based on the above and other technical pointers, Cisco determines that these hackers belong to the government supported by the government called APT41 spy organization.U.S. officials have previously stated that APT41 is related to the Ministry of Security of Mainland China.

This attack highlights the threat of suspected mainland China network attack on Taiwan. Taiwan is one of the root causes of the upgrading of tensions in the United States and China.Beijing has long denied participating in malicious hackers.

The Chinese Embassy in the United States did not reply to the information to seek comment.

Network security experts said that cyber spy activities have become a powerful tool for China's geopolitical goals.Recently leaked documents show that Chinese -funded hackers have attacked high -value geopolitical goals.

Cisco TALOS network security researcher Wan Tura said that hackers invading the Taiwan Research Center used outdated Microsoft office software to complete the invasion and conceal their traces of access to access.

Cisco researchers have not determined how the organization invaded the Taiwan Research Center and rejected how much data these hackers stole in the 11 -day action.Researchers also refused to confirm the name of the research center.

Google's network security experts said last year that they observed that China ’s network attacks on Taiwan“ increased significantly ”.At the same time, Taiwan called on experts from the US Treasury and American Cyber ​​Security Corporation to help them deal with more radical network attacks from Beijing.