As the Macau government requires that the successor must sign a visa to observe the consent of the "One China", Taiwan is unacceptable. Therefore, there are currently only two people in the Taiwan office.

Comprehensive Dongsen News Network and Taiwan Free Times reported that Liang Wenjie, vice chairman of the mainland committee of Taiwan on Thursday (August 1), pointed out at a regular press conference that a foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Macau OfficeThe residents were sent to Taiwan at the end of July. The Macau government requested that the successor to sign the consent of the "One Central Principles" consent will be issued to issue a visa to Macau.The Taiwanese side cannot accept relevant requirements, so it affects the normal rotation of the people in the Macau office in Macau.

It is reported that the Macau government has requested that the Taiwan offices in Macau must sign the consent of the "One Central Principles" consent from 2019, otherwise a new visa will not be issued.Eight former staff members of the Taiwan Office of the Taiwan Australia Office were from the MAC, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Immigration Department, and the Police Department. At present, only two of them are stationed in the local area, which are processed by extended visas.

Liang Wenjie emphasized that the historical origin of Taiwan and Macau is very deep. Due to the evolution of the political situation, the Taiwanese residents have encountered difficulties in Macau.The Taiwanese side is telling the Macau government to eliminate unnecessary obstacles as soon as possible. It is friendly to deal with the issues of the Taiwan offices in Australia. If it is still insisting on harmful people, the Taiwanese side will do the worst plans.Internationally, the Australian side must be fully responsible.

Public information shows that Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macao have set up offices from each other since 2011. After the Tsai government did not recognize the "1992 Consensus", the Hong Kong government has requested the Taiwan office in Hong Kong since July 2018.The residents need to sign the consent of the "One Central Principles"; Macau requires the Taiwan office staff to do so since 2019.

In addition, Hong Kong and Macao announced in 2021 that it had suspended its operation in Taiwan. The current Taiwan side of the Hong Kong office has only local employees.The visa of the Taiwan offices in the Macau office was extended at the end of 2022.